Science Technology, Math and Engineering: the future of america
EQ: How best can an organization like FIRST keep students K-12 interested STEM?

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Blog 12: Third Interview Questions


Post 10 open-ended questions for approval you want to ask an expert in the field of your senior project.  The first question should be your essential question and the other nine must be about the foundation of your essential question or help you answer your essential question.

How best can FIRST keep students involved in STEM?

What sort of outreach programs do you guys do and who benefits most from it?

What got you involved in FTC and how has it changed you?

What is the most important thing that the kids you mentor take away from this experience?

What is the importance of STEM in our world today and why do you think we should keep students involved in it?

How well do you think programs like FRC/FTC/FLL keep students involved in STEM and why is that?

FTC/FRC/FLL aren't the only programs out there, what do you think it is about this program that makes it different? And none of that Gracious Professionalism/ coopertition stuff, give me the real low down.

As a mentor, whats in it for you that keeps you coming back for more?

What kind qualifications did you need or did you have to be a part of this and how or why did your team start?

What is it about the spirit of competition that just gets kids and students alike so riled up about these robots?

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